Saturday, October 16, 2010

Recipe: My Favorite Mexican Rice

We do alot of Mexican inspired dinners in my house for many reasons, they're easy, relatively inexpensive, most can be made ahead of time and lets face it Mexican food is delicious! I used to buy the premade Mexican rice in a package but it seemed they were either too spicy for my daughter "Too Phicy Mommy!!" or the flavors between brands were inconsistent. So now I make my own and it is SUPER easy and I enjoy my side of rice even more (and so does everyone else which makes dinner much more pleasant) Plus everything needed I keep on hand so I can whip up a batch at anytime.

Mexican Rice

1/2 c. White Rice
1 14oz can of diced tomatos & their juice
1/2 a med. size yellow onion chopped
1 clove of garlic chopped
3/4 c. water
2 tbsp. olive oil
Salt & pepper

Heat stove to medium and place olive oil in a med-large size frying pan. Cook onions for about 4-5 minutes, add garlic & cook 1 more minute. Add tomatoes and their juice, rice, water and salt & pepper to taste. Turn heat down to low and cover stirring about every 5 minutes. Cook about 10-15 minutes or until all water/juice is absorbed.
Yummy :)

Quick & Easy Cupcakes To-Go

It always seems like a good idea offering to bring cupcakes to events, and usually when I sign up I have a million ideas how I want to decorate, flavor, etc. But then reality sets in and its 9pm the night before and I have completley forgotten! So here is my "short cut" cupcake plan for last minute treats that look pretty darn cute.
You will need:
1 box cupcake mix (such as Betty Crocker)
1 tub frosting (such as Betty Crocker)
Cupcake mix ingredients: vegtable oil & eggs
1 bottle of sprinkles

Make the cupcakes according to box direcions, cool - then frost and decorate in alternating designs. When you plate them altogether they look great and no one will know it took less than an hour :)
*Added bonus: 2 dozen cupcakes for about $5

  • To get the all over sprinkled look: Pour sprinkles in a low bowl or on a plate. Frost lightly and holding the bottom of the cupcake place frosting side down onto sprinkles and lightly roll till entire cupcake top is covered.

  • To get the rimmed sprinkle look: Pour sprinkles into a low bowl or on a plate. Frost cupcake and holding cupcake from the bottom set side of cupcake onto sprinkles and roll only the edge till a "rimmed" look is achieved.

  • To get the center polka dot look: Frost cupcake, and with fingers pick up a small stack of sprinkles and place in center.

Halloween Decor A la Pottery Barn

I saw in the latest Pottery Barn Halloween edition cute little mini pumpkins wrapped with ribbon and I thought they looked so cute, so I created my own version with some Halloween ribbon I found 50% at Michaels. I think it turned out cute, and they looked great sitting in a large bowl scattered with some wicker balls I had.
*I even took the leftover ribbon, curled it and made a korker for my little one to wear for her Halloween party and to the pumpkin patch :) For a korker tutorial click here